stuff from around here
Here are a couple of pieces that were laying dormant in my spare room.
This first one is a pen piece that is unfinished. I just got to a point where I didn't like it anymore so I haven't gone anywhere else with it. It's a creepy man with secret women living in his big beard. I'd be interested to hear whether anyone that sees this likes it.
As you can see it's unfinished......
And this one i'm kinda psyched on, it's a mixed media piece; gouache, pencil, biro and graphite. It was the first piece I had done in colour after working with biro only for sometime.
Keen to know whether anyone is into this one as well.
Hit the comment button and let me know what you think.
I started working on a new piece today that required tonnes of random sentences, messing about on youtube getting what I needed and stumbled upon this, watch it to the end if your able to handle it, so gnarly right here.
That old beard dude is killin it. Those chicks should think themselves lucky that he provides such a warm comfy place for them to rest their heads.
he is killing it, anyone with a beard that big deserves to have a plethora of girls stuffed inside it.
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